Datos personales

Mi foto
Mercedes Farriols is a writer, director, actress and teacher. Prolific authoress, she has written many texts in almost every genre: 17 theatre plays, novels, TV scripts, short stories, poetry, essays and articles; all of them traversed with the same commitment to Non Violence, Human Rights and Women Rights. For this intense commitment, she has been acknowledged around Europe and Latin America. Filmography Olga, Victoria Olga, time without time, 2006 (Best foreign film, Israel, 2007 Special Jury Award, India, 2008, Best Sound Truck, Italy, Shangai, Goa, Lisbon Digital Festival, Italy, Official Competition). 4 3 2 one, 2009. Official Competition International Film Festival of India, Goa. El Cairo, Ventana Sur, Roma, Chennai, Punne, Dhaka, Delhi, Auroville… Holder of the Chair Professional Script in the ISER (Institute of Radio and Television) 2001 -2005.(Argentina) Teach script and cinema in Bilbao 2001 -2011 (Spain) @mercefarriols

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Inside Outside by Mercedes Farriols


Trailer  Youtube:

  Vimeo:     https://vimeo.com/41435865

Una búsqueda: adentro afuera.
Un recorrido: adentro, afuera.
Un camino interminable, inquietante, lleno de preguntas sin respuestas.
Sólo intuiciones. Explorando el universo onírico sin rostros ni siquiera el propio, sin
miedo a la repetición circular ineludible:
Sara y su búsqueda pictórica: adentro… afuera.
Una artista plástica, Performer de la vida a quien no le alcanza el lienzo y usa su propio
cuerpo y su ser entera para crear mimetizada con la naturaleza su obra de arte.
Una metáfora de la inexcusable búsqueda del ser humano en su afán por descifrar el
amor y el desamor. Nacer… morir y renacer.

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